Footprints in the Heart:
Julian Togashi


Join us in tracing the footprints of a young man’s life and legacy

* amble through exhibits showcasing the curiosities, hobbies, and wonders of his childhood
* stride alongside awards and memorabilia chronicling his athletic passions and achievements
* stroll through original images of his art - drawings and photographs inspired by his love for natural and urban landscapes
* wade through the expressions of remembrance and undying love his family, friends, and colleagues poured into their art and words in the aftermath of his passing
* tread within the footprints left indelibly imprinted in the memories of all who knew him
* step into the realization that, though his footprints may no longer be visible, they are always felt within the hearts of those with whom he shared life and love

Continue scrolling down to see a preview of selected works on display, then schedule your appointment for an in-person viewing.

Dates: 28 October 2023 ~ 8 January 2024
Time: by appointment
Location: Tenpo Gallery (map)

Exhibit Preview